Pharmacy Services (NC III)
Academia de Lipa is a TESDA-accredited assessment center for Pharmacy Services NCIII, where the assessments are administered for the issuance of competency certificates for pharmacy assistance certificates.
TESDA Accreditation number: AC-PHA0304101719122
Who can take the assessment right now?
The following may be exempted from taking the full Pharmacy Services NC III Training, and may go directly to assessment, upon review of their submitted portfolio of experience and seminars attended.
- Graduates of formal, non-formal and/or informal education, including enterprise-based training programs
- BS Pharmacy degree program holders Pharmacy Services NC II holder with relevant experience
- Experienced workers (wage employed or self-employed) of at least 3 years

Requirements for Assessment:
- TESDA Assessment Application Form (printed on A4)
- T2MIS Learner Registration (printed on A4)
- Self-Assessment Guide (printed on A4)
- Passport-Sized Photos (3 copies with nametag)
- Proof of Pharmacy-Related Experience
Frequently-Asked Questions (FAQ)
This includes one’s credentials that convey experience relevant to the pharmaceutical industry, such as a BS Pharmacy diploma, a diploma of any four-year science-related course, Professional Pharmacist License, a certificate of employment from a pharmacy, or other documents from other related seminars.
To ensure that the pharmacy support workforce possess the necessary competencies to handle and dispense medicines.
Eligible participants take a written and a practical exam in an accredited assessment center (such as Academia de Lipa), conducted by an accredited assessor. It is very important to pass the exams: failure to do so will require participants to to enroll in the full TESDA training (approx. 7 months).