High School
It’s time to explore your interests and ambitions. Whether to prepare for college in an academic track, or to acquire a work-ready skill in a technical-vocational track, senior high students will learn a lot from one from the five offered strands starting SY 2018-2019.

Accountancy, Business and management (ABM)
This strand deals with general topics on management, finance and accounting, organizational behavior, and marketing. It is best for students who are interested to pursue a business or management degree in college. Specialization Subjects include :
- Applied Economics
- Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
- Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management (1 and 2)
- Business Math
- Business Finance
- Organization and Management
- Principles of Marketing

Humanities and Social Sciences (HUMMS)
This strand discusses social issues and broad culture, as well as creative and academic disciplines. It is best for students who are interested to pursue a degree in psychology, economics, political science, education, communication and language, and other interdisciplinary studies in college. Specialization Subjects include:
- Creative Writing / Malikhaing Pagsulat
- Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems
- Creative Nonfiction
- Trends, Networks, and Critical Thinking in the 21st Century Culture
- Philippine Politics and Governance
- Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship
- Disciplines and Ideas in the Social Sciences
- Disciplines and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
This strand is an ideal stepping point for more in-depth lessons on specific math and science subjects. It is best for students who are interested to pursue a degree in engineering, as well as biology, chemistry, pharmacy, or other medicine-related courses in college. Specialization Subjects include:
- Pre-Calculus
- Basic Calculus
- General Biology (1 and 2)
- General Physics (1 and 2)
- General Chemistry (1 and 2)

Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
This strand is for students who wish to take up a technical-vocational course on Computer Systems Servicing (CSS) while completing their Secondary Education. Some competencies tackled in the course are:
- installation and configuration of computers systems,
- set-up of computer networks and servers, and
- maintenance and repair computer systems and networks.

Home Economics (HE)
This strand is for students who wish to take up a technical-vocational course on Cookery (while completing their Secondary Education. Some competencies tackled in the course are:
- cleaning kitchen areas, and
- preparation of hot, cold meals and desserts for guests in various food and beverage service facilities